Here are the numbers that the leftist media don't brag about, to name a few....
>> Since May 2003, unemployment in Iraq has fallen by nearly 50%
>> 170 independent newspapers are now open across Iraq.
>> 80 independent television stations are broadcasting in Iraq.
>> Iraq has 168,000 Internet subscribers-- there were just 4,000 before the war.
>> 27,000 new businesses have opened in Iraq.
>> Over 3,000 schools have been rehabilitated and reopened.
>> 8.7 million Iraqi children are enrolled in primary school.
>> 5 million Iraqi children between the ages of 6 and 12 have received vaccinations.
>> There is an average of one new hospital under construction every six months in Iraq.
>> The death rate in Iraq is half of what it was under Saddam, and is among the lowest in the middle east.
>> 76 water treatment projects have now been completed.
>> 33 fire stations have now been built.
>> In July of this year, Iraqi oil production hit the highest level in Iraqi history.
>> A poll this year found that 80% of Iraqis believe their lives will be better one year from now.
>> Voter turn out was over 60% for October's vote on the Iraqi constitution.
>> The Iraqi economy is expected to grow 17% next year.
>> Iraqi per capita income has doubled since 2003-- it is now 30% higher than it was before the war.
>> Inflation in Iraq is one quarter of what it was before the war.
The world is gonna be a better place......Don't let them fool you!!!!
Technorati Tags: iraq, war, terror, bush, reports