May 17, 2006
How Big is Your Beer Belly
How big is your beer belly?
Powered by the mighty Rum and Monkey.
Tired of Tele Prompts
May 12, 2006
The Gay Bar
The gay bar
A cowboy walks into a bar and two steps in, and then he realizes it's a gay bar "What the heck," he says to himself, "I really want a drink."
When the gay waiter approaches, he says to the cowboy, "What's the name of your willy?" The cowboy says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink."
The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your willy. Mine for instance is called NIKE, for the slogan ' Just Do It.'
That guy down at the end of the bar calls his SNICKERS, because 'It really Satisfies.' "
The cowboy looks dumbfounded, so the bartender tells him he will give him a second to think it over.
So the cowboy asks the man sitting to his left! who is sipping on a beer, Hey bud, what's the name of yours?"
The man looks back and says with a smile, "TIMEX." The thirsty cowboy asks, Why Timex?" the man proudly replies, " 'Cause it takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin!' "
A little shaken, the cowboy turns to two fella's on his right, who happen to be sharing a fruity Margarita and says, "So, what do you guys call yours?"
The first man turns to him and proudly exclaims, "FORD, because "Quality is Job One" "Then he adds, "Have you driven a Ford lately?"
The guy next to him then says, "I call mine CHEVY.....Like a Rock!" And gives a wink!
Even more shaken, the Cowboy has to think for a moment before he comes up with a name for his manhood.
Finally, he turns to the bartender and exclaims, "The name of my willy is SECRET. Now give me a beer."
The bartender begins to pour the cowboy a beer, but with a puzzled look asks "Why Secret?"
The cowboy says, "Because it's ' STRONG ENOUGH FOR A MAN, BUT MADE FOR A WOMAN!!!!!!
May 10, 2006
toilet sink attachment

Looking for ways to optimize water usage without setting up a costly greywater system? This fabulous toilet attachment not only flushes a super-low 1.5 gallon volume of water, but when it refills itself, it does so via a tap on top of the tank.
May 09, 2006
May 08, 2006
Urine Battery Turns Pee Into Power

Before you next flush the toilet, consider this: Scientists in Singapore have developed a battery powered by urine.
To make the battery, Lee and his colleagues soaked a piece of paper in a solution of copper chloride and sandwiched it between strips of magnesium and copper. This sandwich was then laminated between two sheets of transparent plastic.
When a drop of urine is added to the paper through a slit in the plastic, a chemical reaction takes place that produces electricity, Lee said.
The prototype battery produced about 1.5 volts, the same as a standard AA battery, and runs for about 90 minutes. Researchers said the power, voltage, and lifetime of the battery can be improved by adjusting the geometry and materials used.
full story
May 05, 2006
Kennedy son admits drug habit after car crash
Officers noted in the report that Kennedy's ``eyes were red and watery, speech was slightly slurred, and upon exiting his vehicle, his balance was unsure.''
Kennedy yesterday denied that he sought special consideration from police. He said he offered to cooperate with their investigation. (yeah right he remembers that but nothing else)
as reported in the UK
May 04, 2006
‘World’s oldest person’ turns 128

SAN AGUSTIN, El Salvador - Friends and relatives of Cruz Hernandez’s gathered Wednesday to celebrate her 128th birthday, a milestone that might make her the world’s oldest person.
She gave birth to 13 children. She now has 60 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.
Another Man Glued To Toilet Seat In Salisbury Md

SALISBURY, Md. -- For the second time in a month, police in Salisbury, Md., are investigating a report of a man glued to a toilet seat.
The latest incident happened Sunday night at the North Salisbury Wal-Mart. Police said an employee found a 20-year-old man stuck to the seat. They said he was banging on a wall for help.
another similar story