April 18, 2010

Stream Beauty

Stream Beauty, originally uploaded by AAA Studio.

April 03, 2010

Cool kid

Cool kid, originally uploaded by AAA Studio.

Converted in DPP applied sharpenig at level 5. Strobist: 580EXII X2. Right side shot through CL 60X40 softox, Left side behind upper left -2 stops. Both shot using pocketwizards flextt5 ETTL mode.

Sahi 2305

Sahi 2305, originally uploaded by AAA Studio.

Strobist: Creative light 60X90 softbox front of model, fired with a 580exII and flextt5 pocketwizard. 1/4 shutter speed to help bring in ambient

sahi 2305

sahi 2305, originally uploaded by AAA Studio.

Look into my eyes and hear what I'm not saying, for my
eyes speak louder than my voice ever will....Unknown.